French Quarter at Night Shoot

Street Car on Poydras,New Orleans

The photo above….which I feel is a pretty poor shot….is one that has haunted me for a long time! It’s colors are inaccurate, the sharpness could be better and the angle must be corrected. This weekend…I will rectify the wrong! I will succeed where I previously have failed! I WILL capture the Quarter/Canal at night….staying far away from the many delicious beverages that that sinfully wonderful area has to offer! Now…I’ve been there since the image above was taken many-a-times. But with every journey in the evening I’ve been distracted and have ended up walking the streets with a drink in hand or laughing belly up at a local watering hole…instead of busting out the tripod/camera duo. Not this time! Saturday is the day. Saturday is the night! I will come home with some French Quarter/Canal at Night Shots!!! Word!

~ by William Tyrl on May 10, 2011.

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